Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fed up being fat? Join me on a journey to lose weight

Losing weight is one of the hardest things you can do but it is all about YOU and nothing else.

Today I weigh 330lbs, it is the beginning of 2011, and over the next 12 months I am going to change my life by losing 125lbs. You want to lose weight, you want to change your life and you want to reclaim living as fun? Why not join me on this journey I am going to undertake?

I promise to blog/podcast/videoblog as much as I can every week. I will be here to answer questions, give you support and explain to you what I am doing to lose weight.

I will review and try as many different free weight loss offers on the internet, if you see something on the internet you want me to review I will try and do that as well.

Losing weight is all about YOU wanting to change. YOU have to decide that it is time to examine yourself, your lifestyle and your personal history on why you are as FAT as you are today.

I am FAT, the reason I am FAT is that I eat too much crap, smoke and I don’t do enough exercise. To lose weight I accept that I have to make changes in my eating habits, my life habits and my personal habits. I will confront my inner being and I will change my feelings towards food using some simple self taught techniques.

What has made me decide to make this decision in my life? I am 43 years old, I am currently living in Romania with my wife and two little girls. I am fed up being tired all the time, I am fed up not being fun for my girls to play with, I want my sex life to improve with my wife and I want to live longer so I see my children grow up. These are my motivators.

Being fat is my fault. My metabolism is fine, I have no excuses in being fat, I eat too much which is the same for 99.9% of all FAT people. I have used all the excuses, thyroid problem, slow metabolic weight and even things like I am big boned. ROTFLAMAO.  One of the key negators for me is I love savoury food and can eat all day long. I am not one of the fat people you see featured on TV who eat 20,000 calories of food per day I just eat too much of the wrong thing and not enough of the right things.

So as it is Day 1 of the rest of my life I will make a list of the tools I will use the change my life for the better. It’s a simple list and as we go over the next 12 months this list will grow and shrink and change until we get to the end of the year when we will have discovered the ideal tools to lose weight and more importantly we will have changed our lifestyle which will enable us to live our lives in a healthier and more fruitful way.

I am not espousing starvation, I am not a weight loss fundamentalist, I am fat guy who doesn’t want to be fat anymore and I think by writing about my experiences will help me see what I am doing and if you want to follow along with me I will do my best to help support you with words of encouragement.

So lets look at the first set of tools I will use to begin my weight loss and life change.

Eat no sugar
Eat more vegetables
Drink 2l of water every day.
Eat no bread.
Walk 200m every day.

That’s it.

If you look at what you eat you will be shocked that just about everything you eat that comes in package contains sugar or fructose or corn syrup which your body can not digest properly but your body stores it as FAT. Its quite simple really as I have discovered over the last few weeks as I have been working on the idea of losing weight.

I am not going to advise you on using diet programmes, I have tried lots of them and I revert to my old eating habits very quickly. Don’t get me wrong I have lost weight using diet programmes but I have not had the willpower to maintain them for life. All the diet programmes I have tried change your diet but what I am learning is that you have to change your LIFE.

I didn’t have a bad childhood, I just grew to like eating, I love eating, I LOVE EATING and my favourite meal is a buffet where you have lots of savoury foods which you can eat and eat and eat. In the last few weeks I have been doing a lot of thinking, I have surfed the hell out of the internet to see what people are saying about weight loss. On Google when you type in “Weight Loss Tips” there are 76,000,000 that’s 76 million results. I have viewed thousands of pages in the last few weeks and I would say 99% of the pages are linking you to buying something. The weight loss industry is a huge Billion $$ business that sells you potions, pills, plans, schemes etc.. on how to lose weight. They want your money and they will send you to glossy web sites which will encourage you to buy their products which you have to use for LIFE! And more importantly buy for LIFE! You don’t need this.

What do you need? Like me all you need to do is change your LIFE to achieve weight loss. For example when you join a weight loss programme where you go to weekly meetings you pay a fee, they encourage you to buy their products and they try and lock you into a cycle that you MUST follow to keep your weight loss going. This is not possible in this day and age as so much goes in your life, holidays, work, childrens activities and the general detritus that is your life makes attending meetings almost impossible. Its like you have a problem and you have to attend AA meetings.

Is eating an addiction? Oh YES!!! I am addicted to eating. Is it a disease? Oh NO!!! It is a learned action. I learned it and now I am trying to unlearn my addiction. You could be addicted to sugar, or more importantly you have fed your body so much sugar that your body craves sugar. My body does not crave sugar but it crave savoury foods – sausage rolls, pizza, hamburgers, chips, bagels, fried bread, French fries, et al. These are also comfort foods but I eat them because I LOVE to EAT them. Do I eat for comfort? Not as far as I know. I am happily married, I have two delightful little girls, I work on the internet and my wife is a successful dentist with a thriving dental practice. My wife married me when I weighed even more than I weigh now and when I look back on pics of my marriage I was really fat, I have no idea how much I weighed then but it isn’t logged down anywhere.

What have been doing to get to this point? Over the last two months I have begun to change my eating habits a little bit, increased my exercise by going to the gym and walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes at an easy pace. Then Christmas showed up and the food here in Romania at this time of year is fantastic, ALL savoury foods so my changes went out the window but over the last two weeks I have started to begin my changes and I decided I wanted to share what I was doing with anyone who wants to read it.


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