Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Metabolic Rate

Everyone talks about their metabolic rate being slow and thats why they are fat!!!!!!!
We all know some skinny winny who can eat what they want and still stay skinny. And don't we just hate them and we tell everyone we have SLOW metabolic rate hence I am fat.

Stupid really.
Everyone has a metabolic rate and YOU can change the pace of your metabolic rate so it burns fat all the time.
How do we do this?
Lets see as a fat person I don't like to do much but with some simple little tools I can increase my metabolic rate, get healthier and lose weight.
So here is the Metabolic Rate Increaser Tools:
1. Build Muscles
Muscles use energy even when they are resting. So if you develop some muscle groups on your body you will start to lose weight and increase your metabolic rate. Two step process, exercise by doing some light weight lifting for your arms, go for a walk and increase your leg muscles. By doing this you a) Burn fat b)Increase your muscles.
2.Increase you caffeine intake
Strange one I know but caffeine will increase you metabolic rate by 5-10% for two hours after drinking caffeine based drinks like coffee, tea and Diet Coke. Scientists are not sure why this occurs but they have tested and have seen the results.
3.Cool down
By keeping your house cooler your body will burn energy to keep you warm and the result of this is that your metabolic rate increases. I am NOT saying live in an igloo and get frostbit but turn the thermostats down a few degrees and make your body work a little harder to to keep you warm.
4. Short Walks
By going on a short walk, 15-30 mins long you will increase your metabolic rate again. You see your metabolic rate is like a car and when it is parked it doesnt do much more than idle but when you put it in gear and make it go somewhere it burns up energy and your metabolic rate increases.

So there is 4 tools to add to your warchest on losing weight and stop being a fatty like me. I am using these tools every day.

Tommorrow I will discuss how to avoind slowing down your metabolic rate.

As Featured On EzineArticles

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