Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Struggling with weight loss and sugar cravings

So after a few days I am hitting the wall in my fight with my craving monsters. Last night I had 3 pieces of cake, bite sized but I needed them. More like the craving monster won that battle BUT I will win the war.

As I have said before I am not a big sugar junky but I do get the sugar craving monster showing up every so often and last night I didnt have the tool to stop him in his tracks. The tool for fighting and taming the sugar craving monster is


Sugar Free chewing gum is a god send for taming the sugar craving monster. I like Mint Gum by Orbit but there are loads of flavours and they are sweet and you can fool your sugar craving monster and your something in your mouth craving monster. It is an immediate explosion of flavour as soon as you put it in your mouth. Eat 1, 2 or 3 pieces at a time to get that fake sugar hit which can confuse your sugar craving monster. As soon as it loses its flavour if you need to spit it out and bang in some fresh chewing gum while you source a healthy filler to take away the hunger you might be having. This is the time to put on a cup of soup, get a piece of quiche out of the fridge or choose some fruit to munch on.

Confusing and faking out your craving monsters is how we beat them and we keep our weight loss and our eating habits on track. Having a pack or two in your pocket as you move around in life is an ideal way of dealing with the sugar craving monster. Once it learns you have a tool nearby that can stop it dead in its tracks you will find the sugar craving monster will retreat from the forefront of your mind and your problems with keeping to the NO SUGAR tool is supported even more.

I have sorted out my lack of chewing gum and I am now better prepared to move forward with my weight loss and eating habits.

So another issue for people trying to lose weight is eating something crunchy, so I have developed a small salad that you can eat with your meats and cheese.
Chinese Salad is my winner for adding something crunchy with my meal. Here is the recipe:

Chinese Salad
Slice up a quarter of a cabbage in to small strips
1.5 tablespoons of mayonaise
1 tablespoon of Soy Sauce

Mix it all in a mixing bowl and pop in the fridge for about an hour.
This salad is two portions of your suggested fruit and vegetable intake per day. The flavour is explosive in your mouth and it is super crunchy which is great when you are eating meats, cheese based meals and quiches. Adds a hell of a lot to a meal.

When you have a what you feel is a failure when trying to lose weight there is another tool you can use:
"Tommorrow is another day" 
This is a key tool you need to keep in your mind. You might go 3 days then fail, so what, start again and you will see you will last 5 days. Slowly but surely you will see that your new eating habits will start to last longer and before you know it you will go months and months without failure. This is the key to weight loss and changing your eating habits.

I failed to maintain after 9 days and I start again today. But my failure was 3 bite sized pieces of cake. Now I am ready to start again and this time I will go longer.

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